
The view from above

Over the past decade, my research projects and interests have spanned across several subject matter areas, with the common focus of system-level emergent behavior.

Past subjects of my research have included:

  • climate modeling/analysis,
  • power grid modeling,
  • social networks,
  • disaster-event communications,
  • socio-cognitive modeling,
  • global food systems,
  • sentiment analysis, information theory, and NLP.


I completed a B.S. in Physics, B.S. in Statistics, and M.S. in Complex Systems at the University of Vermont. Following this, I spent four years as a research scientist in the Applied Information Sciences Center at Sandia National Laboratories, researching electrical grid resilience, Bayesian inversion for climate models, and agent-based models of misinformation adoption.

In 2023, I left Sandia to pursue a PhD in Information Science at the University of Colorado in Boulder, where I currently reside. At CU, I work with Professor Brian Keegan, studying the online behavior of extremist groups to develop methods of predicting and preventing real-world attacks on marginalized communities.



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